Monday, March 9, 2015

Bonus Photos in Yearbooks

In some yearbooks, you can see the face of your ancestor as a student, plus get a bonus photo of him or her as a young child! The Junior class in the 1906 yearbook for West Virginia University provides one example of this. Margaret Buchanan of Morgantown is not a relative, but I would be extremely happy to find these photos for someone in my family tree.

"Behold in this co-ed one of the brightest of her class. She is not only a student of the University, but is at times a member of the Faculty. As an Assistant Professor in Mathematics, she has shown herself to be an efficient instructor, and yet, with all this dignity she has never lost her popularity. What it is about her that captures all the offices of Secretary we do not know, but suffice it to say that she has now to her credit not less than six such offices. Miss Buchanan is one of the small number of perosns [sic] who seem to know how to mix properly work and pleasure. In this she certainly has found the 'happy medium.'"

Margaret was one of only three women in her class. She went on to become a teacher at the university and married engineer Harry O. Cole in 1929.


  1. In modern yearbooks, be sure to check the ads in the back, as that is where parents often place baby photos of the graduates. Being a retired teacher, I've seen that many times.

    1. Thanks for the tip, Linda! If we hold a book in our hands, we're probably more likely to flip through it. With so many books online that are searchable, I know I don't always browse through them, so this is a good reminder. Ads often provide great information.


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