Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Genealogy Tips Based on the New Year

As 2014 comes to a close and we look forward to a new year, here are some genealogy tips for you to consider:
Genealogy: New Year Tips
  1. Set Goals - Many of us set goals for the new year, so why not choose a few genealogy goals? It will help you focus on what to spend your time and energy on, as well as motivate you forward to success.
  2. Start a New Habit - Just as some people decide to start a new exercise program, try to implement a new habit while researching your family tree. Here are a few you may want to consider.
  3. Start Fresh - If you've been disappointed by the amount of time you've dedicated to genealogy research or blogging, now is the time move on. The new year gives you a chance to start fresh and make the effort to do better.
  4. Celebrate - Take time to celebrate the past year's findings and look forward to the new year of research.
I wish you a healthy, happy, and successful new year!

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