Friday, March 13, 2015

Happy Birthday to My Genealogy Advocate

Genealogy and Birthdays
Happy birthday to my sister who got me interested in genealogy many years ago and still patiently listens to my research stories. I often feel her birthday is overshadowed by other events.

For example, today she gets to hear how it's Friday the 13th and how unlucky the day is. And her birthday is always exactly one week after an older sister's birthday. I can't help but think there wasn't quite as much excitement when the second birthday cake came out because we had just eaten one the previous week! Then there's the proximity to St. Patrick's Day and all things green, weather events like the Blizzard of '93, plus the years when it lands on a Friday during Lent and her birthday meal was fish.

Dear sister, I hope you know that you and your birthday will always be special to me. Hope you have a great day!

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