Thursday, August 20, 2015

Deaths of Two Frederick Fiegers in 1901

My first cousin twice removed, Robert Louis Jay, married Ray Fieger in Pittsburgh around 1928. (With this marriage, her name became Ray Jay. Love it!)

Ray lost her father Frederick, who was a city councilman, in January 1901. Her grandfather, who also was Frederick Fieger, died just a few months later in May 1901. Ray was only four years old.

Here are the newspaper death notices for both Fredericks:

The Pittsburgh Post, January 7, 1901

The Pittsburgh Post, May 2, 1901

Ray Fieger Jay was the only daughter of Frederick Fieger, who also had five sons. Ray didn't have children of her own, but she lived a long life. She died in Pittsburgh at the age of 82 on March 31, 1979.

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