Tuesday, February 9, 2016

6 Genealogy Lessons We Learned in Kindergarten

For most of us, genealogy is a process of constant learning. Being open to education--whether you prefer reading online articles or learning in formal class settings--helps us to advance our genealogy knowledge and family research. But there are some basic lessons we learned when we were young that also are helpful to remember:
  1. Walk, Don't Run - While it's easy to get excited and quickly add people to an online tree or follow leads in multiple directions, it's important to slow down and take time to map out a focused research plan.
  2. Share with Others - Your work may help others with their genealogy research, so please don't keep family trees private and do think about sharing your finds on blogs or other social media outlets.
  3. Listen when Others Are Speaking - We can learn so much from others, so take time to read genealogy blogs and view webinars.
  4. Say 'Please' and 'Thank You' - Don't forget to use kind words when requesting research help in libraries, courthouses, etc. 
  5. Raise Your Hand - If you need help or have a question, there are lots of people in the genealogy community who are willing to provide guidance, so don't be afraid to contact a blogger or send your message to a Facebook or other online group.
  6. Clean Up - Take time to make sure every fact you add to your family tree has a source and that you use consistent place names and date formats.
Each of these lessons is basic but important. Do you have any others to add?

1 comment:

Do you have a genealogy problem or need guidance on where to search next? Send me a message if you'd like me to help!